Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The non-baby-eating Bishop of Bath and Wells

If you are one of those people who know why the Bishop of Bath and Wells might be described as 'baby-eating' and precisely what one is doing (and where) when reading Greats in Peckwater Quad, and if you want to know which club to lunch at in order to get an appointment as a bishop (spoiler alert - it's the Athenaeum), then this might be for you. It is an interview with Rt Revd John Bickersteth, the oldest living former bishop of Bath and Wells, and will provide much assistance for whoever it is at the Telegraph who will be assigned his obituary. For example, it is harder to think of a sentence more likely to appear in a Telegraph obituary than this: "His appointment as Her Majesty’s Clerk of the Closet, soon after he was made Bishop of Bath and Wells, was entirely due to his shooting prowess".


  1. Nobody ever read Greats in Peckwater Quad because it is not a college.

    Also Bickersteth's obituary has probably already been written.

    If this was a test to see if I am still reading: I am.

    1. I saw the words "If this was a test to see if I am still reading: I am" and thought, for one nervy moment, that Jon Kelly was back.

      You are of course right. But do you know where my parish priest should lunch for preferment?

    2. The Casa Santa Martha communal dining room. Or so I am told.
