Tuesday 29 October 2019

On the American 'Deep State'

I am in no position to give my own view on whether the so-called 'Deep State' in the US is anything more (or less) than a rather glamorous name for the American equivalent of our own dear Establishment. But I can give you a clutch of articles from disparate sources, all better-informed than I, that makes for good reading.

First we have Matt Taibbi, the man who described Goldman Sachs as a giant vampire squid. It's pretty punchy. Then this from Robert Merry. "When the president canceled large war games with South Korea, the military held them anyway—only on a smaller scale and without fanfare. Diplomats negotiated an agreement before a NATO summit to foreclose any Trump action based on a different outlook": Yes, Minister played as tragedy rather than farce. And finally, this, an interview with Angelo Codevilla that ranges widely over all sorts of topics in a lively fandango. It has also introduced me to Branson, Missouri, which looks like a great place for a holiday.

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