Monday 30 July 2018

You should click these links if you ...

1. ... remember the BBC Radiophonic workshop.

2. ... wonder whether researchers' findings about the differences between liberals and conservatives are wrong.

3. ... want to know what cyber-war would really look like. "Marines suddenly owed hundreds of thousands of dollars on credit lines they had never opened; sailors received death threats on their Twitter feeds; spouses and female service members had private pictures of themselves plastered across the Internet; older service members received notifications about cancerous conditions discovered in their latest physical. ... Obviously decision making will be hampered if important decision-makers have to spend time in a crisis convincing policemen that there is actually no hostage crisis in their house, finding a way to pay for lunch now that their credit cards don't work, or investigating the rape threats being sent to their teenage daughters' Instagram."

"It is trivially easy to find an American's address, ruin their credit score, steal their investments, use their social media or email accounts against them, and generally ruin someone's life through digital means. America's two greatest rivals (Russia and China) do not hesitate to harass, beat up, or intimidate American personnel. But stories of this type are very rare. Why is this? It isn't because they lack the capacity. They have it now. If they are not regularly harassing Americans today, it most likely because they do not want Americans to be better prepared for the conflict of tomorrow. "

4. ... read this sentence "I have just spent a week in Beijing talking to officials and intellectuals, many of whom are awed by [Donald Trump's] skill as a strategist and tactician" and want to know more (seriously, it's in the FT).

5. ... are missing links to things written by Zadie Smith and want to read a good one (and not set in north-west London, either). (Quick review of Swing Time: really good in lots of details - not just the joke about the working-class girl and the Argos catalogue, but also her clean kitchen and tasty food - but we need more of a plot. Funnily enough, the short story linked to above gives me hope, albeit in a depressing way, that the life that people like Smith lead might start involving the kind of jeopardy from which good plots can emerge.)

6. ... wonder what happened to Toby Young after all that.

7. ... want to see the world's most perilous church (it's in Ethiopia).

8. ... remember 1988 - here's a reminder of what it looked like:

9. ... want to know what awful punishment I have redacted from the following passage: "A doctor has been [...] for carrying out euthanasia on a 74-year-old woman with dementia, despite her resistance. // The woman refused a cup of coffee containing a sedative and when she struggled, the doctor asked her husband and daughter to hold her down so she could insert a drip containing the lethal injection."

10. ... would like to read a classic libel law-avoiding tabloid article about President Macron.

11. ... or wonder why "Tunnels that were a mere 14 degrees Celsius in the 1900s can now have air temperatures as high as 30 degrees Celsius on parts of the tube network."


  1. Very enjoyable links, even the video of the Ethiopian church that I never want to watch again.
    Who'd have thought the radiophonic workshop had so many participants over the years?
