Friday 27 March 2015

Elves make com­pro­mise with Road Ad­min­is­tra­tion

Everyone loves a good Icelandic elf-story, and here is one for you from March 2015.

As a taste: "In 2012 the elves sum­moned me into the lava and showed me an el­ven church sur­rounded by beau­ti­ful, bright en­ergy, and next to that church was Ófeigskirkja, a chapel," ex­plains seer Ragn­hildur Jóns­dót­tir who runs the Elf Gar­den in Haf­nar­fjörður. "The elves told me that Ófeigskirkja had been used as a bea­con guid­ing peo­ple through the lava, and the rock was right there, in the path­way of the new road to be con­structed. I wrote to the Mayor of Garðabær on be­half of the elves. Ófeigskirkja will now be moved to a place near other el­ven abodes in har­mony with the wishes of the elves," ex­plains Jóns­dót­tir, and in­deed an an­nounce­ment from the Ice­landic Road Ad­min­is­tra­tion to­day sup­ports this claim."

(I'm a little bit unsure about using "Jóns­dót­tir" as if it is Ragn­hildur's surname, but I will defer to Morgunbladid on the point.)

In other news, this is what makes the news in Iceland:

I think no further comment is called for.

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